World environment day 2021 { World environment day 2021 host country}


Why is World Environment Day celebrated on June the 5th?

World Environment Day was established in 1972 during the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which led to the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
. Its aim is “encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment”. Since its inception, WED has developed into a global platform
 for raising awareness and taking action, and it is celebrated in over 100 countries.

The history of World Environment Day

WED 2006’s theme was “Deserts and Desertification” and celebrations were hosted by Algiers, in Algeria. WED 2007’s theme was “Melting Ice? – A Hot Topic”, hosted by Tromsø, in Norway. The 2008 edition’s slogan was “Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy”, and was hosted by Wellington, New Zealand. In 2009, the theme was “Your Planet Needs You-UNite to Combat Climate Change”, hosted by Mexico. The country launched its commitment to combating climate change, including through the employment of carbon credits
. In fact, it participated in UNEP’s “Billion Tree Campaign

2010 was centred on biodiversity and was hosted by Rwanda. In 2011, UNEP dedicated WED to the safeguarding of our planet’s lungs. Forests cover 31 per cent of land and primary forests cover 36 per cent of the world’s forested areas. In 2012, Rio de Janeiro hosted the celebrations under the slogan “Green Economy: Does it Include You?

2013 to present

WED 2013 was themed on the footprint of food, under the slogan “Think, Eat, Save”. The UN reminded us that one third of all food produced fails to make it from farm to table, which means 1.3 billion tonnes of food, worth 1,000 billion dollars, are wasted. This amount would be enough to feed the 870 million people suffering from hunger around the world, as well as reduce CO2 emissions significantly. 2014 was dedicated to the sea, under the theme “Raise your Voice not the Sea Level!” in order to raise awareness on the problems island nations are facing due to rising sea levels. In 2015, WED was hosted by Milan, Italy, under the theme “Seven Billion People. One Planet. Consume with Care”. That year, WED was the most popular subject on Twitter in more than 20 countries.

Year after year, “the aim of World Environment Day is giving a face to environmental issues while making people active agents of fair and sustainable development; raising the awareness on the importance of community in environmental action; promoting partnerships to ensure a safe, thriving future for nations and populations”.

Why is World Environment Day important?

World Environment Day is important because we forgot how to live in tune with nature, because the environmental degradation we cause is bound to come back to haunt us and threaten our very existence in the way we ensure extinction of species, ecosystems and deforestation.

This June 5th many regions in India will be celebrating the World Environment Day under a lockdown. But there is so much an individual can do for environment protection even during the pandemic. Here are a few tips to highlight the importance of this day!

  • Talk to your friends and relatives. Explain the value of our ecosystems, animals and plant to them. Appeal to their consciousness.
  • Search for an environmental organization near you on the net and enquire how you can help or volunteer.
  • Make a video appeal for your social media against littering and for waste segregate

As a student, what can I do to save the environment?

Many people think that to protect the environment you need to do something big. But that is not the only solution. Even tiny individual steps on a small scale can really help to save our environment. You just need to bring little changes in your habits and lifestyle. Here are some ways you can be of service to the environment:

  • Always remember the 3R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Think of all the waste you can reduce if you simply follow them.
  • Make sure to switch off the lights and fans before leaving the classroom. If your class has enough sunlight, you don't need to turn on the lights.
  • Try eco-friendly and sustainable fashion. Instead of buying artificial fibers clothing, use natural fibers such as cotton, bamboo, linen, hemp, etc s they degrade easily.
  • Always carry a waste bag with you. I have seen many students throwing their litter on playground, roads, parks, etc
  • Carry your own cloth bag for shopping and if possible buy from local vendors. Reducing your meat and dairy consumption will help a lot as these industries have a significant carbon footprint.
  • Carry your own lunch and water bottle, so you don't need to buy packets of chips and plastic bottles from the canteen.
  • Take public transport as much as possible. You can also walk or ride a bicycle if your school/college is nearby. If many people start doing this, there will be a reduction in air pollution and traffic congestion on roads.
  • Do not waste water on long hours of bathing, washing, and cleaning. Use a bucket for bathing to reduce your water consumption.
  • You can start an initiative or campaign with like-minded people for any cause you feel like. For instance, you can clean the garbage on roads nearby your school and segregate it, you can collect old copies, pens and send them for recycling, planting trees, cleaning nearby beaches.
  • Events in schools/colleges create lots of waste, especially disposable plastic waste from the food stalls. You can create awareness or convince your head of the institution to go for eco-friendly products such as edible cutlery, bamboo cups.
  • Instead of using party bombs and plastic decorations on your friend's birthday, you can always go for more environmentally friendly alternatives.
  • Club activities and groups can play a major role in spreading awareness among people on crucial topics such as Solid Waste Management, Composting, and much more.

Believe it, you don't need to be all grown up to bring a change. Remember Greta Thunberg, a mere teenage girl who protested against the inactions and irresponsive attitude of the government to the threat of climate change. Any effort you put into protecting the environment will not go to waste!

How can we protect the environment?

Environment can be referred as everything that is around us. It can be living or non-living things. It includes physical, chemical and other natural forces. Living things live in their environment . They constantly interact with it and adapt themselves to conditions in the environment . It is an important issue when our society is faced with economic crises, wars, and unending social problems. Environment is of great importance, in fact it is a factor on which our life is depended. It matters because Earth is the only home that humans have, and it provides air, food, and other needs. Human beings are most powerful and intelligent among all living creatures. Thus, it is the responsibility of every human being to protect and save the environment so that our future generations may enjoy the gifts of nature and environment. We were born to help the world, not to destroy it. Then why we are destroying the environment? We all must take an oath together to protect our natural environment to keep it safe as usual forever. It is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy life. But our environment is getting dirty day by day because of negligence. It is an issue which everyone must know. Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humanity and other life forms on our planet today. So we should take every possible step to save the environment. Environmental Conservation is important because when we protect the environment, we are not protecting some distinct, distant entity but ourselves. To minimize the pollution around us, renewable energy sources like wind, hydro and solar sources should be encouraged widely. Renewable resource is a substance of economic value. More and more people should be inclined to use maximum renewable energy resources. Renewable resources can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally. One of the most important renewable energy is solar energy. Solar panels can be used to collect solar energy and turn it into electricity. Solar energy offers a clean, renewable source of power. It is the technology used to harness the sun's energy and make it useable. Solar energy is used today in a variety of ways. The most common form of solar energy used today are photovoltaic solar panels, which absorb the sun's light to create electricity. Probably because today, more and more people are understanding the advantages of solar energy as our solar technology increases and the cost of fossil fuels rises. Solar energy systems today can now used to power homes, cars, appliances, businesses, and cities. Solar energy is a very common form of renewable energy used today and continues to grow in popularity. One of the best example of solar energy being used in the most appropriate way is at Akal University, Punjab. Here, in Bathinda, Punjab’s largest solar energy Project has been set up. Akal University, Bathinda is run by the Kalgidhar Trust which has its headquarters at Baru Sahib, Himachal Pradesh. The Kalgidhar trust is running 129 schools known as Akal Academies and three universities. By taking this huge step, The Kalgidhar Society has shown its forward thinking as an educational organization. The Managing Director of SECI-Solar Energy Corporation of India , Mr. Jatindra Nath Swain inaugurated this solar power project at Akal University in Bathinda. This project is one of the largest for any rural educational institution. Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal, also known as Eco baba, along with Dr. Davinder Singh (Secretary of Kalgidhar Society ) and Dr. Gurmail Singh, Vice chancellor of Akal University, accompanied the program. All were feeling happy and honoured being a part of this unique program. Baba Seechewal said that we should not forget the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and should take care of our mother earth. This solar energy Project is one step ahead in this direction. Water and earth are termed as the father and mother and we have somehow forgotten this. He said that this is a step full of encouragement and all akal academies should be solarized and should get the benefits of solar energy. This project would generate more than 80% of the power requirements of the Akal University and 13 Akal Academies . SDM Talwandi Sabo, Babbandeep Singh, PEDA(Punjab Energy Development Agency ) officials, PSPCL( Punjab State Power Corporation Limited) officials and 25 Sarpanch of the nearby villages attended the program. Akal University Talwandi Sabo is also run by the Kalgidhar Society. Mr, Jatinder Nath Swain said “Solar power generation is a measure of sustainability and I am happy to see that Kalgidhar Society is harnessing the sun for making education system more sustainable. Along with Solar, we also need to pay attention towards water conservation and rain water harvesting to tackle the problem of climate change.” These words were full of encouragement. It is a strong thinking that this Solar power plant project will reduce 35,000 metric tons of Carbon emission over 25 years thus making the planet more green. This will further reduce the power bills. A very remarkable thing to look upon is that the carbon reduction impact of the project during its life time is equivalent to planting of 82,000 trees which will add to conservation of energy and environment. The Kalgidhar Society, has so far set up a total of 59 solar power plants in its Akal Academies in the region. In this way, the society is showing its positive approach towards a green world and taking green initiatives.

How do I contribute to the environment?

1. Use Reusable Bags

Plastic grocery-type bags that get thrown out end up in landfills or in other parts of the environment. These can suffocate animals who get stuck in them or may mistake them for food. Also, it takes a while for the bags to decompose.

Whether you are shopping for food, clothes, or books, use a reusable bag. This cuts down on litter and prevents animals from getting a hold of them. There are even some stores (such as Target) that offer discounts for using reusable bags!

These bags are useful for things other than shopping as well. I have heard of people using reusable bags when they move!

2. Print as Little as Necessary

We have all had that teacher that wanted us to have a copy of every single reading when we come to class or that professor who wanted a hard copy of the ten-page paper that is due next week. These are fine but it seems as if they do not understand that using so much paper is detrimental to the environment.

3. Recycle

Recycling is such a simple thing to do, but so many people don’t do it. Many garbage disposal companies offer recycling services, so check with the company you use to see if they can help you get started! It is as simple as getting a bin and putting it out with your trash cans for free!

4. Use Reusable Beverage Containers

Instead of buying individually-packaged drinks, consider buying a bulk container of the beverage you want and buying a reusable water bottle. Not only will this help the environment, but it will also help you save money since you are buying a bulk container.

Many campuses offer water fountains designed for drinking as well as for refilling reusable water bottles. Make use of these fountains throughout the day when you finish off the initial beverage.

Along these lines, many restaurants offer reusable containers for drinks. If you go to a certain place a lot, consider buying one of these containers to help minimize waste.

5. Save Electricity!

Use energy-efficient light bulbs instead of regular bulbs. They last longer, which will save you a bit of money (every little bit helps on a college budget, right?).

Make you turn off lights, the TV, and other appliances when you are not using them.

Lower your air conditioning or heat when it’s not necessary. This is especially true for between seasons. Open your windows in the early fall or layering your clothes in the early fall.

6. Save Water

Water is wasted more frequently than we can see. Turn off the faucet as you are brushing your teeth. Don’t turn your shower on until you’re ready to get in and wash your hair. Limit your water usage as you wash dishes. Changing old habits will be good for both the environment and your wallet!

7. Avoid Taking Cars or Carpool When Possible

Cars are harmful to the environment. Taking public transportation, walking, or riding a bike to class are better options that help the environment and your budget, as well as getting some exercise in!

If you do need to use your car, compare schedules and places of residency with those in your classes. You can split the cost of gas and have alternating schedules for who drives when. This is cheaper than everyone driving separately and you’ll be closer with friends!

What is the theme for World Environment Day 2021?

world environment day 2021 theme and slogan

theme of world environment day 2021

This year, the theme of World Environment Day is "Reimagine. Recreate. Restore."

world environment day 2021 host ?

The fact remains that only with healthy ecosystems can we enhance people's livelihoods, counteract climate change and stop the collapse of biodiversity. The theme for World Environment Day 2021 is 'Ecosystem Restoration' and Pakistan will be the global host for the day.

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